July 08, 2011

Beautiful Story (7)...Story of the Empty House

There was an old family that was financially stable, they earned enough but lived in a simple, little hut. They didn't have proper carpet just bits and pieces of it here and there, no nice furniture nor a big tele, just a simple little house with no luxurious stuff.

The people of the community who lived nearby used to visit this woman that lived in this small hut and they would see how run down her home was and they talked amongst themselves in the community. "Have you seen what dump they live in, it's a sham! they haven't even chairs to sit on nor carpets. The wallpapers all peeling. What do they do with the money they earn? her husband has a high paid job!"

One day one of the woman's friends come to her house and they were sitting chatting and the friend says 'Your husbands has a well payed job so why don't you get this house done up?'

The woman replies 'We've got another house so we use our money on that instead because we don't see the point of spending it on here'.
The woman's friend is surprised and says 'Oh i didn't know you had another house, where is this house?'

The woman replies 'In Jannah'

How often do we decorate our homes? InshALLAH let's do good actions each day and slowly your house will be built in bricks of gold and silver. The more good deeds you do your house will have planning permission to grow :) Let's utilise our wealth and help the orphans, the widows, the ill. Let's utilise our wealth to help build mosques.

May ALLAH grant us all beautiful homes in the hereafter, Aameen

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