July 11, 2011

Dua (4)...

Oh Allah! please give me the man who is half my soul, to meet half of my deen and so is an integer.
Let him be just and on your way in everything he does, and everything he says. And every morning spray water on reminding me to pray Fajr.
That he get the money from halal sources and spend within their means.
That he always seeks the guidance of Allah to fulfill all his dreams.
That he always be directed to the Quran and the Sunnah as their moral guide.
That he is grateful and I love the woman who is on your side.
That he be aware of their anger and often fast and pray, be compassionate and sensitive in any way possible.
that he honor and protect me and guide me in this life.
And Allah please! make me worthy of being his beloved wife.
And finally, Oh Allah! Do rich in love and joy in taqwaa, sincerity and struggle for the hereafter! Ameen!!!!

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