May 03, 2011

For My Future Husband...

Ya Habiby...thats how i will call u
Where ever u are, i know the wind will convey this letter to u...

Ya Habiby...
I don't wanna be your girlfriend or your thing on the side,
I wanna be the one you call your wife 
Your presence alone brings me happiness, 
You are truly my halaal prince charming,
Riding on the horse of taqwa,
Holding the qur'an on your right and sunnah on your left,
And giving glad tidings to the strangers♥

Ya Habiby...
Im not telling that im perfect one with pure heart,
Im not telling that im a perfect muslimah like Maryam,
Im not telling that im a strong one like Khadijah,
Im not telling that im much charming like Aisyah,
Nor im telling that im a caring girl like Fatimah,

Ya Habiby...
When u ll see me 1st time please dont judge me wrong,
by my hijab,
by my proper covering body,
by my way of talk,
by my appearance...
Remember...thats all just cover...
I may have to much dark heart which need to cleaned by your help,
I may have to much bad habbit which need to fixed by your guide,
I may have to much bad think which need to be straightened by your akhlak...
But i think u can keep from me...I want to be a better muslimah...

Ya Habiby...
Be strong with everything which may tempting u when im not with u yet...
Be istiqamah to practicing Islam in every part of ur life...

Ya Habiby...

I hope u always take care of ur self there 
I hope u always take care of ur deen and ur fard ibadah...
As im always trying to keep that here also even that much hard...

Ya Habiby...
Be brave n sabar to waiting the time when we ll meet...
The time when ALLAH will bring all happiness become ours...
The time when our half deen will be completed each other...

Ya Habiby...
Im always waiting for u here...

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