May 04, 2011

Im Still Here....

The time running and wont stop even when im ordering them
The sky still blue but im seeing there to much cloud bordering them

Day by day passed without i realize where im now
When i look back and see what you have been left
I found my self   never move on 

You have been gone for so long 
and i have been unable to move on
You have been gone for so long
every night feels like years passed

I forgot to forget you
around me theres many peoples
but all i think of is just you
I forgot to forget you
and its as if im still alive just because i remember you

Im still here and never move on
sitting and praying for better time would come to keep me strong
Im still here and never move on
waiting for something which impossible to happen
Im still here and never move on
hoping for a miracle that may not come now

Im still here and never move on...

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