May 03, 2011

Open Your Heart...

Why did u keep ur burden inside u when u have ALLAH to tell it to?
Why did u fear everyone might hate u when u have ALLAH who understands u?
Why did u fill ur heart with pain and anguish when u have ALLAH to fill it with eternal bliss?

Why did u choose to settle in turbulence when there’s ALLAH pure love that speak of peace?
Open ur heart, Let ALLAH wash away the hurt,

Embrace the greatest love ALLAH, alone could give u.
Pray to ALLAH for ALLAH listens to all prayers, 
Believe in ALLAH alone and not the deceiving others,
Do wat ALLAH says for ALLAH is ur mentor,
Love ALLAH truly and not the impostor...
When u are in a battle unarmed, let ALLAH love be ur sword, 

When u feel cold, let ALLAH love warm u, 
When u stumble and fall, let ALLAH love catch u.
When u have no more food to eat, let ALLAH love fill ur tummy, 
When u can no longer breathe, let ALLAH love be ur air,
When u have no more to drink, let ALLAH love be ur water...

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