May 25, 2011

Kalam (3)...

♦ When you see a person in a calamity of “material life”, be very happy at the status of your Iman.

♦ When you see a disbeliever, thank Allah for the status of your Islam.

♦ When you see a sinner, thank Allah for your taqwa and obedience to Him.

♦ When you see an ignorant person, thank Allah for the knowledge that He has given you.

♦ When you see someone in trial, thank Allah for the ability and tawfiq that He has granted you.

♦ The sun is created for you, enjoy the sunshine; the wind is created for you, enjoy the breeze; the river is created for you, enjoy drinking from it; trees are created for you, enjoy their shade and fruits.

♦ Whoever has a house might not have a car. Whoever has a wife might not have a job. And whoever has appetite to eat, might not have food. And whoever has food might not have the health and ability to eat. Just ponder!

♦ Today we can, tomorrow we can’t; today you have a chance, tomorrow you won’t; today you are alive, tomorrow you will be dead. Time of departure is unknown, but it will come for sure, whether you like it or don’t; whether you believe or you don’t, whether you are ready or not.

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